Welcome To A.B.C. Alma Mater School

Welcome To A.B.C. Alma Mater School

The A.B.C. Alma Mater, was founded in the year 2013 at Pachpakaria,Banbasa,on remote area of Nepal Border- Champawat-Uttarakhand-262523 by the members of A.B.C. Educational and Social Welfare Society Regd., up to class second with the addition of one class every year the school is now running up to class Eighth.The school is affiliated with Uttarakhand Board under the free and compulsory education of RTE Act.

The school was founded with the aim of imparting quality education to the children of Champawat. A system that inculcates in our children values like discipline, truthfulness & the power to discriminate between the right & wrong. We are not only concerned with intellectual potential in the children but would also like to nourish their physical, moral & creative potential. The task of building a new world wrests with the children in our school. The school therefore supports an environment where young children are educated with a new outlook of life, which is acquired by direct experience on life in the school community.

॥ विद्यां ददाति विनयं, विनयाद् याति पात्रताम्।
पात्रत्वात् धनमाप्नोति, धनात् धर्मं ततः सुखम् ॥

(true/complete) knowledge gives discipline, from discipline comes worthiness,
from worthiness one gets wealth, from wealth (one does) good deeds, from that (comes) joy.

Admissions are open for the Academic Session 2020-21

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